Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An Interview with Walk the Moon

Walk the Moon recently rocked the Riv with Young the Giant.  As previously mentioned, I was in the emergency room while they were doing their thing, but I chatted with their bassist Kevin Ray on the phone after the fact.

"It's a dream come true," he says about his band's growing popularity.  They're on a break in Cleveland while I'm talking to him, but heading to an emergency room - one of their members might have food poisoning.  I offer my condolences, and ask how the journey to prominence in the music world has felt.
"We were so out of our minds a year ago,"  Kevin says. Everything was happening so fast, but now that they have a great team behind them, they feel a bit more prepared, he says.
"We feel like we're a little more mature."

So, I asked him, if you could have dinner with three musicians, alive or dead, who would they be?
This is not an easy question.  He takes his time and ponders, which I like. Quick answers aren't always the best.
His first choice is Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers.
"He helped define what it means to be a live performer, especially for a bassist.  I'd love to pick his brain," Kevin says.  His second choice is either Keith Moon or John Bonham - unique drummers and performers that he admires. Last (but not at all least), Michael Jackson.
"He was such a kook.  It would have been amazing to get to know him myself."

It's not just about the music for Walk the Moon - there's a package (which you can see from their video).
"We all really, really like performing," says Kevin.  "All of us are very big on letting our personalities show on stage."

I ask if he has anything else to tell Chicago.
"We're so thankful for all the love we've gotten," he says.  "It feels like sort of a second home for us."

I'm sorry to have missed their show. I'll have to catch it next time around, and wear some face paint.

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