Q&A with Karl:
- How did the band meet? I (Karl) met Will about 4 or so years ago through mutual friends. I found out he played bass and when I started the band about 2.5 years ago, he was the first guy I went to. Shaun was friends with our drummer (who only lasted in the band for about half a year).
- What bands are you normally compared too, and do you agree? We are normally compared to The Avett Brothers and I agree. They are a huge influence of ours and since our band is made up of banjo, guitar and bass, it is hard to not make the comparison. Though, we all have a huge background of genres and musicians that we are all fans of. Everything from hip-hop (Aesop Rock) to traditional bluegrass (Bela Fleck) to punk (Against Me!) to screamo (Comadre) to Gogol Bordello...whatever they are classified as.
- What are some inspirations to the music you all write? Most of our inspirations are the tours and traveling we have done. The people we have met and the people who have let us crash on their floor after just meeting them a few hours before at the bar.
- Where do you see the band in 5 years? I don't know where the band will be in five years but, I sure as hell know that where ever we are, we'll still be working as hard as we are now and will be enjoying each step of the way. Though, I'm hoping we can maybe have a few more people at the shows by then.
- Whats the most memorable show so far and why? Tough one. All the shows we have played with Jon Gaunt backing us on fiddle and David Low backing us on Pedal Steel have probably been my favorite. They are both awesome musicians and it is an honor to have them performing with us.

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