Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fueling Your Music Marathon

All Lolla’d out? At this point in the summer, the music scene starts to lose some momentum, but there are plenty more events lined up before Labor Day. It’s time for an endurance check. Time to separate the die-hard, music-loving men, from the fair-weather fest-floating boys.

Recharge your sense of stamina and beat late-summer bloat by staying away from the beer lines and fried food vendors. Bring a water bottle or two so that you’re not constantly hydrating with hops, and have some on-the-go snacks stashed away as well.

An energizing combo of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fat (a la trail mix) is great to munch on while cruising from stage to stage and tent to tent. However, don’t just limit the contents of your sandwich baggie to “Good Ol’ Raisins and Peanuts”. There are tons of easily portable ingredients that can boost the nutrition quotient of your trail mix while adding some sex appeal to your snack choice, too. I’m not promising a nutrient-dense equivalent to funnel cake or fried what-have-you on a stick, but they’re not a bad alternative.

Here are some trail-mix makeovers for you to mix and match:

· Instead of Raisins: Add dried blueberries, a fruit that hovers around the top of the antioxidants list. Dried cherries can also be a particularly good dried fruit to add to a trail mix, since they tend to be especially plump. They’re also a good source of anthocyanins, the antioxidant that contributes to cherries’ red color and may help fight pain and inflammation – a good choice if you’re on your feet/rocking out all day. Bonus Points: Nosh on fresh fruit instead of dried varieties for further help in staying hydrated and lowering your calorie intake.

Sourced from wholesalebulkfoods.com

· Instead of Peanuts: Try flavored almonds. Blue Diamond’s lineup of super tasty “Bold” almonds are one of my absolute favorite snacks, and they definitely spice up your standard snack mix. Look for Wasabi & Soy Sauce, Chili & Lime, and Carolina BBQ among others. In addition to almonds’ natural protein and vitamin E content, these guys also have such delicious flavor dust! (And they pair surprisingly well with fruit, too.)

Sourced from dietselect.net

·Instead of M&Ms: Swap the candy for dark chocolate-covered pomegranate seeds. You’ll cut fat and calories and squeeze more nutrition into your munchies. To cut calories even more, crumble chocolate or caramel flavored rice cakes and throw them in with your fave fruits and nuts.

Sourced from bakingbites.com

· Avant Garde G.O.R.P. ingredients: Don’t let traditional trail-mix formula confine you to a cellophane cage! For you trail-mix trailblazers out there, consider experimenting with less-traditional additions: wasabi peas, herb-infused crackers, curried pumpkin seeds, light popcorn, goji berries, whole-grain tortilla chips, carob chips…

Don’t let the prospect of yet another day of fair-food fare keep you from supporting your local bands and other artists. The world is your Ziploc food storage container.

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